<!-- default bean id is 'hbaseConfiguration' that uses the existing 'hadoopCconfiguration' object --> <hdp:hbase-configuration configuration-ref="hadoopCconfiguration" />
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<!-- delete associated connections but do not stop the proxies --> <hdp:hbase-configuration stop-proxy="false" delete-connection="true"> foo=bar property=value </hdp:hbase-configuration>
// wire hbase configuration (using default name 'hbaseConfiguration') into the template <bean id="htemplate" class="org.springframework.data.hadoop.hbase.HbaseTemplate" p:configuration-ref="hbaseConfiguration"/>
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// writing to 'MyTable' template.execute("MyTable", new TableCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInTable(HTable table) throws Throwable { Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("SomeRow")); p.add(Bytes.toBytes("SomeColumn"), Bytes.toBytes("SomeQualifier"), Bytes.toBytes("AValue")); table.put(p); return null; } });
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// read each row from 'MyTable' List<String> rows = template.find("MyTable", "SomeColumn", new RowMapper<String>() { @Override public String mapRow(Result result, int rowNum) throws Exception { return result.toString(); } }));