ERROR: index path not specified Usage: java org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex pathToIndex [-exorcise] [-crossCheckTermVectors] [-segment X] [-segment Y] [-dir-impl X]
-exorcise: actually write a new segments_N file, removing any problematic segments -fast: just verify file checksums, omitting logical integrity checks -crossCheckTermVectors: verifies that term vectors match postings; THIS IS VERY SLOW! -codec X: when exorcising, codec to write the new segments_N file with -verbose: print additional details -segment X: only check the specified segments. This can be specified multiple times, to check more than one segment, eg '-segment _2 -segment _a'. You can't use this with the -exorcise option -dir-impl X: use a specific FSDirectory implementation. If no package is specified the package will be used.
**WARNING**: -exorcise *LOSES DATA*. This should only be used on an emergency basis as it will cause documents (perhaps many) to be permanently removed from the index. Always make a backup copy of your index before running this! Do not run this tool on an index that is actively being written to. You have been warned!
Run without -exorcise, this tool will open the index, report version information and report any exceptions it hits and what action it would take if -exorcise were specified. With -exorcise, this tool will remove any segments that have issues and write a new segments_N file. This means all documents contained in the affected segments will be removed.
This tool exits with exit code 1 if the index cannot be opened or has any corruption, else 0.